This hoop house is designed to house plants at Phipps Conservatory Gardens in Pittsburgh, PA. It is meant to prolong the growing season for the plants inside through heat preservation. The client's needs such as ease of watering were taken into consideration. This project is created with conduit tubes and heat shrink wrap.
Fall 2018
Architecture Studio: Elaboration I
Teammates: Timothy Nelson-Pyne, Kimberlyn Cho, Jasmine Lee, and Sean Meng.
Professors: Jonathan Kline, Benjamin Saks

We first interviewed Michael, the gardener at Phipps Conservatory, to discuss what he would like in a hoop house, and his gardening experience as well. From this interview, we realized that our hoop house needed to trap heat effectively, and the plants should be easily accessible so that he can easily tend to and water the plants. ​
It was definitely hard to work and design as a team, and there was a lot of compromise involved. However, through my experience with teams, I believed that as we established a common goal for ourselves, the design process became easier as we continued to iterate until we reached a design point that we were all equally excited about.
This was also, for most of us, the first project that we actually had to realize and create, so there were considerations that we had to take into account. Will it fit through the studio doors when we transport it? How do we bend conduit tubes without denting it?

I took on the more administrative role of our group, documenting our construction process as well as processing our budget and ordering the materials we needed for our project. I also created the component and assembly sheets.

Photos taken by Sean Meng.